A place to ponder the awe and mystery of God in everyday life.

Posts tagged ‘Godspell’

Beyond Question: Can saltiness be restored?


Listen to a poignant song from Godspell, “You are the Light of the World”!

You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? Matthew 5:13a

Salt is seasoning.  It is a common element.  A little bit goes a long ways to enhance flavor.  Food without salt lacks taste.

Salt is healing.  After an athlete has spent a long day training, competing, perhaps twists an ankle, or after a gardener has spent an early spring day tilling and planting; a hot bath with epsom salts can relieve muscle aches or strains and speed healing.  A warm salt water gargle is soothing to a sore throat.  Children with battered knees from the adventures of childhood who swim in salt water or soaked their wounds in salt water know the healing properties of the poison being drawn from their wounds.  If you’ve ever been faint and had smelling salts wafted beneath your nose, you know how salt can revive.

Salt is a preservative. In Jesus’ time salt was rubbed into meat to preserve it. Without refrigeration or salt, meat would spoil quickly. With salt it would not rot or be a breeding ground for bacteria.

In the Middle East salt is stored in buildings with dirt floors.  The salt on the bottom looses its flavor if its on the ground too long. And once salt has lost its flavor it cannot be restored.

Jesus called his followers the “salt of the earth.”  In what ways do God’s people – do you – act as seasoning, healing, and preservative in the world?   How could a person’s ‘saltiness’ disappear?  You are the salt of the earth…. Shake it!  🙂

Salt by Salt Shaker   Original Filename: 6507-000073.jpg

*Questions to ponder:
* Name some people who are “salt of the earth” in your life or in your community.  How do they maintain their saltiness?
* What can you do to bring salt or light into a place that needs it?

*Prayer for today:
Dear God, guide me and teach me to be salt and light in the world.  When I am running on empty and feel I have nothing left to give, restore me and fill me again. Let my light shine and bring glory to you.  In Jesus’ precious and holy name. Amen.

* ”Material from Book of Faith Lenten Journey: Beyond Question byErick Burtness copyright © 2012 Augsburg Fortress. Posted by permission. All rights reserved.”

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